Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Announcements for the Week of May 20th

Next Ladies night is scheduled for Friday, May 23rd at Sandi’s house. (804 Hillside Ave. Middletown) We’ll probably get started around 8pm so if you’re a lady, come hang out!

This week the YAG group is in charge of the PRAYER. Please contact Jay Ervin if you’re interested in helping out.

This summer ORB is offering a unique opportunity for college aged students to try out being an ORB High School leader for the summer! This means you will help plan and run the Thursday night group from start to finish! If you are interested in participating in this, please see Jared for more information and for an application.

The ORB Service Group has a number of great serving opportunities available to the community. Every Thursday from 10am – 1pm help serve food to those in need at Lunch Break (you can also help serve food any other day of the week there as well!), the first Tuesday of each month a group from ORB cooks and serves food to families of sick children at the Ronald McDonald House, every Sunday after the ORB service, you can participate in bringing communion to people’s homes. If you’re interested in receiving more information about any of the service opportunities, please contact CDLC, Susan, Emily or visit:

Tuesday, May 27th there will be NO YAG. However, the following Tuesday, June 3rd there will be a YAG BBQ…more details to follow!

This Monday (even though it's Memorial Day), there will be a group going to play Roller Hockey from 7pm-9pm at Kunkel, in Leonardo. Talk to Jay N. for more information. FYI you need your own sticks and blades.

The next Hutchy Bears game, ORB’s own softball team, will be at Count Basie’s field on Sunday, June 1st at 12:30 pm…NO GAME THIS WEEKEND!

Saturday, June 14th is our next scheduled YAG Field trip to Princeton, NJ! The day’s activities will include a lunch stop at Tiger Noodles Chinese Restaurant, the Bent Spoon for dessert and Princeton Record Exchange for cheap CDs.

ORB now has two blogs up! One collects all the artwork, photography, short stories, philosophical musings, etc of this wonderful talented community! The Bus The Metaphor. Website is at If you want to submit anything, send to

There is also a blog for the service group, that talks about volunteer opportunities, world issues, local issues, and discussion as to how Christ calls us to work for social justice and serve the poor and needy. It's called ORB CARE. CARE standing for Christ Actively Restoring the Earth. Website is at

If anyone is interested in going skateboarding contact Tom Sasso! And he is starting up Sidewalk chalk/Mural Time Club! If interested in this contact Tom!

YAG has a new Box/Bag for giving. If you don't make it to the Sunday service and would like a place to give some money to, please feel free to do so on Tuesday nights at YAG. Even just a couple of bucks or spare change. Anything you WANT to give, there is NO OBLIGATION here!

Lauren Elio's Uncle has a kitten that he is willing to give to someone who really wants a kitten and would take really good care of it. Please contact Lauren Elio if interested!

Joe Reilly (Lauren Elio's Friend who was there this past Tuesday) has a 5 piece Ludwig drum set he is wanting to sell. All hardware and cymbals included. He is asking 500$. If interested, contact Joe at:

Kathleen Gill wants to go camping, if you want to too, call her up or e-mail her and get a group together!

Photography Club is being started by Brandon Murray. If you are interested in photography and would like to be a part of this, contact Brandon.

Dan DeLucia is collecting old, new, broken, and/or crushed crayons. If you have old boxes or bags of this stuff, let him know and he will take them off your hands for a project he is working on!

Pucci's Band is playing this coming Tuesday at Chubby's and since there is no YAG, why not go out and support them? Contact Matt Pucci for more info!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Announcements from week of May 13th


Next Ladies night is scheduled for Friday, May 23rd at Sandi’s house. We’ll probably get started around 8pm so if you’re a lady, come hang out!

This week the YAG group is in charge of the Welcome. Please contact Jay Ervin if you’re interested in helping out.

This summer ORB is offering a unique opportunity for college aged students to try out being an ORB High School leader for the summer! This means you will help plan and run the Thursday night group from start to finish! If you are interested in participating in this, please see Jared for more information and for an application.

The ORB Service Group has a number of great serving opportunities available to the community. Every Thursday from 10am – 1pm help serve food to those in need at Lunch Break (you can also help serve food any other day of the week there as well!), the first Tuesday of each month a group from ORB cooks and serves food to families of sick children at the Ronald McDonald House, every Sunday after the ORB service, you can participate in bringing communion to people’s homes. If you’re interested in receiving more information about any of the service opportunities, please contact CDLC, Susan, Emily or visit:

Tuesday, May 27th there will be NO YAG. However, the following Tuesday, June 3rd there will be a YAG BBQ…more details to follow!

Starting next Monday, there will be a group going to play Roller Hockey from 7pm-9pm at Kunkel, in Leonardo. Talk to Jay N. for more information. FYI you need your own sticks and blades.

There is a big Hutchy Bears, ORB’s own softball team will be having a game at Count Basie’s field this Sunday at 2pm…come out and support the team!

Saturday, June 14th is our next tentatively scheduled YAG Field trip to Princeton, NJ! The day’s activities will include a stop at Tiger Noodle for lunch, the Bent Spoon for dessert and Princeton Record Exchange for cds.

PNC Bank Center will be hosting Monmouth University’s graduation on May 20th. Time: 1:30PM. This will be Beth’s, Shannon’s, Lorraine’s and other’s graduations! Consider attending to support them!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Announcements for the Week of April 28th

- The New Ancients album "Every Branch a Quill" is IN! I have boxes
full of shiny new CD's that are available for all. If you pre-paid for
one and are local, please make sure you grab one soon before i put
your copy in the mail. They will be at the service on sunday, so if
you'd like to buy one they are 10 bucks.

- national day of prayer at monmouth university, may 1st (tomorrow)
3pm to 4pm in Erlanger Gardens( behind student center). Christian
Ambassadors is sponsoring it.

- Don (brandon) is starting an orb photo club - contact him for
details. Paging Pete Nilsen.... report to the Don....

- This sunday worship service is in the sanctuary of the church - we
are in charge of setup and takedown. lets get incredibly busy shall
we? right on! show up at 3:30 ready for action action action!

- wed night (tonight!!!!)- there's a show at 8ish at Espresso Joes in
Keyport - lots of Orbers will be there (that's all i know!)

- Jay Nicastro: this summer hockey time a comin!

- Thrift Shop Tour '08 - Will be happening on the 2nd Saturday in May
(the 10th). More details will follow. If interested in going to some
Thrift stores in Pennsylvania, then this is the trip for you! Please
email me (pete at submergentmusic dot com) if you're interested. we
are shooting to leave around 8 AM from my place.

- PNC Bank Center will be hosting Monmouth University's graduation on
May 20th. Time : 1:30PM. This will be Beth's, Shannon's,
Lorraine's and other's graduations! Consider attending to support

- May 9th ORB Prom. 7:00PM The theme this year is the 50's! I believe
dinner is included and the cost is 15$, and all proceeds will go to
raise money for future Mission Trips to the Dominican Republic! Come
on out and have a good time!

- Hutchy Bears, ORB's own softball team will be playing at 11AM this
Sunday at Count Basie fields! Come out and support them for another
win! (3 in a row????)

-Chris de la Cruz is trying to get volunteers to help out on Saturday,
May 3rd for the kids fun runs and fun events part of the New Jersey
Marathon Weekend in (Pier Village) Long Branch , NJ. If you would be
interested in volunteering for this fun time with lots of little kids
please talk to Chris de la Cruz. He needs helpers from 8:30AM to 12PM.
We will be in charge of things like games, setting up kids races,
passing out water, etc.

- Ladies Night is a comin girls, May 23rd at Sandi's house!

- (ORB HOOPS BUILT ONLY by YOU) (this is from Jill)
May 24th - time TBD: Come enjoy the wonderment of the beloved and
ancient art form which is hula hooping. Everyone will learn how to
build a hula hoop (specifically made for their body and hooping
preference)and then customize there own hoop with décor (probably the
funnest part besides the actual hooping). After the hoops are built
and decorated, we will hit the backyard to get a basic hoop lesson
(from me) and then hoop the day away with music and snacks and stuff.
This is open to all YAG boys and girls. If you are interested in this
hooping experience, please email me ASAP at with
what time you can meet and what color(s) you would like your hula hoop
to be. Once we have a group together, we can decide on an exact time.
The cost will be around $10(for supplies) I will be placing a tape
order in the next week or so, so please get me your tape requests


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