Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ANNOUNCEMENTS for the week of June 26th

Tuesday, July 4th will be our Beach Night. We will NOT be meeting in the basement, but rather at Little Monmouth Beach Club, in Monmouth Beach on Ocean Ave. Please meet there at 7:30 PM. If there are any changes to this info, we will notify you via e-mail, so please check it as the week unfolds!! This will also be the first night the graduated High School Seniors will be there, so let's make them feel welcome!! Any questions? Call Andy at 908-890-2945 or Sandi at 732-671-0809.

Saturday, July 8th from 12PM - 3PM there will be a Baby Shower / BBQ for the Lootsma's little girl Annelies. This will be held at the Senior Andrews house at 24 LONE OAK RD. Middletown. They have a pool, so bring your suit and towel. If you are interested in coming and want to get them a gift, they need girl clothes size 9 months or larger. Please let me know if you are coming by e-mailing me at: sandi@jerkrecords.com

The New Ancients CD (ORB Worship) will be arriving around July 12th. If you have not paid for a pre-buy, you can buy one for 10$!!

Friday, July 14th will be a "non-musical coffee house" in the ORB basement. It will start at around 8PM. Please come and contribute some poetry, art, photographs, short videos, funny stories, dance moves, etc. If you have none of that to offer, then come and support those who do. This is a great event to bring friends to.

Saturday, July 1st and every Saturday there will be softball being played at 11AM behind Red Bank Regional High School on Harding Rd. in Little Silver, on their fields in the back. Come on out and have some fun playing softball. You do not need to be good. Just bring a mitt and have fun!

ORB'S First Annual Film Festival will most likely be moved to some time in September. Great!! Even more time to get those films done. And remember to keep them kid appropriate!!

Summer Adventure Club (SAC) will have two more events coming up! 1.) A Thrift store tour through Pennsylvania!! 2.) A trip to NYC for a matinee show. Details will follow!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


There will be a non-musical coffee house held on July 14th, which is a Friday. We will start at about 8PM. Please come and bring a friend and share any art, poetry, funny stories, or comedy routines, etc. If you have none of that to offer, come anyway and support those who do. See you then! I believe the coffee house will take place in the basement.

Andy is doing a comedy bit at the Eatontown Playhouse on Route 35 this Friday, June 23rd.. The show starts at about 11:30 PM and he is the first one on. Admission is 8$. Please go out and support him if you can!

The First Annual ORB Film Festival will be held in late August. Please get filming and keep them kid friendly. No nudity please! :)

On June 29th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM is the High School ORB end of the year banquet. We are invited to attend and join in their celebration. This would be a great time to go and meet the High School grads who will be joining us on July 4th.

Beach Night will be on July 4th. We will not be meeting in the basement. We will meet either at a beach or a park for a fun night together. This will also be the first night the High School grads will be with us! Also, A good night to bring a friend and introduce them to your ORB friends. Details to follow.

The New Ancients (ORB Worship) CD is done and should be in our hands around July 11th or 12th. So if you gave money in the pre-buy, expect your CD that week!! If you did not give money in the pre-buy, you can still buy one at 10$.

July 8th at NOON there will be a baby shower held for Deb and Brian Lootsma. They are adopting a baby girl from China and we are going to celebrate their new addition. Please come to the Senior Andrews house at 24 LONE OAK RD. in Middletown. There will be some Chinese food and BBQ food. Come and help us celebrate them. ( If you would like to buy baby clothes for their little daughter, she will be around a 9 month old or older size)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Announcements for the week of June 19th

Thursday, June 29th : the High School ORB end of the year banquet will be held. It is from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, upstairs in the Episcopal Church where we have Worship. We are invited to attend and celebrate the High Schoolers and maybe meet the graduates who will be joining us!!

Late August: the First Annual ORB Film Festival. Get filming and make them kid appropriate. Looking forward to your entries!!

If you are interested in helping out with set up and/or tear down for the Sunday night worship service, please see Matt Littlehale, Jared Murray or Juan Rivera. They would like to create teams to help out with all of this.

If you are interested in Drama and would like to be a part of an ORB drama team, please see Matt Littlehale.

Mariya Khandros is looking for people to coordinate High School kids in some of their service projects. For instance, getting them organized to go to a soup kitchen. (i.e. making sure they know when and wherethey need to be, and that they all have rides there, etc.) If you are interested in doing something like this, please contact Mariya Khandros at : Mashutka9009@yahoo.com

On July 22nd from 9AM to 5PM we are going to have our first Community Service event in Red Bank. We will be painting the Pilgrim Baptist Church Community Center. Please come out and join us!!

Starting on Saturday mornings we will be doing softball at 11AM at Meadow ridge on Ridge Road across from Fair Haven Fields!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Announcements for the week of June 5TH



Sandi's small group will be meeting this week. Thursday, June 8th at 8:30 PM. Please be prompt as we would like to get started on time, and we will be discussing some changes to the group. Come with an open mind and an honest opinion!!

Tuesday, June 13th, will be a "show and tell" night for all in YAG!! Bring something you want to show us and tell us about. Can be art work, a song to sing, a poem you wrote, an instrument you want to play, a dance you learned, a joke you know, a stupid human trick, a stupid pet trick, and any and all talents, photos, videos, boogers, farts, belches and non-talents you want to share with the group. Have fun with it! Think of something and share it with us all!

July 4th, Tuesday night, we'd like to do a special event outside of the basement. Maybe a beach night or maybe a picnic in the park night. We will have details soon.

The children's ministry at ORB's Sunday Service is seeking teachers for the kindergartners and first graders. There is a curriculum to follow and the kids have a lot of fun with it. If you are an education major in college, this would look great on your resume as experience. If you are already a teacher, you may have fun with this too. Please contact Sandi Andrews if interested: sandi@jerkrecords.com

There will be an ORB Film Fest held at the end of August. So please get a-videoin' if you are interested in having an entry. August will get here sooner than you think!!


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